CPA Marketing

If you have a blog with a few hundred regular visitors, then you can make a fair amount of money over a period of time by publishing CPA links on your pages and posts – or even on your sidebar. If you are looking for a longer term income source, then CPA meets that need. If you are new to blogging and want to make some money quickly, even if it is just a small amount to give you encouragement, then a CPA program would be a good supplement to Google AdSense\r\nOne of the benefits of CPA over AdSense is that you can select the programs that are most suitable for each of your web pages or blog posts. Here are some of the \'actions\' that can earn you money with the right choice of CPA programs. Keep in mind that once the CPA link (text or graphic) is published on your site, then you can forget about it – you have nothing else to do but wait for the cash you earn to accumulate.

  • Introduction
  • Affiliate Marketing Basics
  • Kick Start Your Business
  • Finding the best Topic/ Industry
  • Finding the best Topic/ Industry
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Complete Email Marketing
  • YouTube Update Strategy
  • Copyright
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Extra


Depending on your niche, you may not be able to find an offer that fits your site’s topic.If that\'s the case, you want to look for CPA offers that appeal to your traffic\'s demographic.\r\nLet me illustrate what I mean with a real life example…\r\nI used to run a site in the \'dating\' niche that was getting 2,000 visitors per day.\r\nI put \'dating\' in quotes because it was comprised mostly of 9th graders wondering how to talk to Sally that sits in the back.\r\nDespite the fact that I tested about 20 different themes and ad placements, I wasn’t making ANY money with Adsense.\r\nAnd when I looked at the ads Adsense was putting on my site, I realized that they weren’t dating related at all.\r\nInstead, they were targeted based on demographics. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns, and integrating digital marketing with traditional marketing.


  • Introduction
  • Affiliate Marketing Basics
  • Kick Start Your Business
  • Finding the best Topic/ Industry
  • Finding the best Topic/ Industry
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Complete Email Marketing
  • YouTube Update Strategy
  • Copyright
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Extra